Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

Put these five procedures to build confidence which are essential in starting a business.
  1. Action cures fear. Isolate your fear and then take constructive action. Inaction-doing nothing about a situation-strengthens fear and destroys confidence.
  2. Make a supreme effort to put only positive thoughts in your memory bank.  Don't let negative, self-deprecatory thoughts grow into mental monsters.  Simply refuse to recall unpleasant events or situations.
  3. Put people in proper perspective. Remember, people are more alike, much more alike, than they are different.  Get a balanced view of the other fellow.  He/She is just another human being.
  4. Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right. This prevents a poisonous guilt complex from developing.  Doing what's right is a very practical rule of success.
  5. Make everything about you say, "I'm confident, really confident." Practice these little techniques in your day-to-day activities.
-Be a "front seater"
-Make an eye contact
-Walk 25 percent faster
-Speak up


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Wealth and Abundance Video for September 2012